The Festival filled up rather quickly on our opening day of Saturday - lots of shopping, chatter, coffee, cake and show and tell happened early in the day.

Ellen, Anne and Judy working away in the kitchen preparing some lovely fresh food for all to enjoy.

"S.A.M.E. Museum" was one of the themes for the Festival this year.

Our members put on their thinking caps and imagination and a wonderful museum was created.
The Egyptian Room.

The Souvenir Shop.

The Caveman Room.

The Unusual Art Room.

The Gem and Mineral Display.

And the room awaiting its new artifacts for display!

The Toy Shop.

Children In the Past Room.

The Prehistoric Room.

The Painting Room (a note to say that this display is of real paintings and not prints!)

The Fine Glass Collection.

The Greek Room.

On the way outside the museum was King Tutankhamun's Pyramid.
"Hatched, Matched and Dispatched" was the next theme. (not necessarily always in that order either! LOL)
Shopping for that special dress.

Getting ready..

The things a girl does for that special look on that special day....(before)

...and the final look was worth it all!!!

And of course what would a wedding be with out a church?
Be it a small intimate wedding....

...or a large affair!

....and finally...the baby arrives!

The nurseries are ready..

Baby's first trip out - to where else? but a baby shop!

The toy room.

Unfortunately, this dear old lady passed on from this tiny realm to another. However, the family gave her a nice funeral :)

She was buried in a tidy little plot at the back of the church.

In times gone by, passing over was a bit of a ritual...bits got put in jars from the body, so these guys had a job on their hands!
"Movies" was the 3rd theme.


'My Fair Lady'

'Mary Poppins'

'101 Dalmaitions'

There was an array of display items again this year. It is nice to see the different things we all do and the different perspective we all have. Along with the different scales we like to work on.
Here are three houses that are 1/24th scale.

A 1/24th scale conservatory.

The next house is a cute 1/48th scale cottage.

The side and front of the cottage lit up and open.

A 1/144th scale house is next.

Another style of 1/144th scale.

Telephones through the ages.

A sewing corner vignette.

Display of cross-stitched sewing accessories and bags.

A clock repairer.

This is a display of times gone past along with the display itself being quite old.

Plenty of fabric to choose from the shop!

A look inside a waxing and massage therapy shop.

A hat shop.

Taking a leisurely bath.

A day at the beach resort.

Making apple cider.

A quaint little shop.

A lead-light conservartory.

A tea-room vignette.

A conservatory.

A toy shop.

A perfumery.

A delightful tearoom

During the course of the year, there have been several workshops available to the club members. Here are three different ones that have been done.
This display is of bookends. Amazing the different looks with similar items given in the kits.

Another of the workshops were on Christmas Trees which was a success as you can see by the variety of trees that were produced.

Another workshop was Organ Grinders. What a variety that was turned out!

The miniature needleworkers have been busy this year - here are some of their delightful pieces.

As always, there were many traders that came from far and wide to sell their wares to the unsuspecting crowd (??? LOL) There were many new items for sale and of course many were to irrisistable to pass up! (Does that mean I am now broke???)
Virginia from
A Sheilas Shed.

Cherie and her assistant from Pewter in Miniature.

Lynn and her assistant from Lynns Small Treasures.

Sylvia and Verna's table of goodies.

Elaine displaying her wares for sale.

Pam and Margaret from the Miniature Needlework Society.

Linda from Enchanted Garden in New Zealand, was a little shy and hid!

Cathy from S.A.M.E. with some of our 'home made' items for sale.

Catriona Hall of The Miniature Costumer fame.

The boxes in the background are scenes made inside a matchbox!

Dot and Barbara from Thimbella.

Bev from Any Miniature Needs.

Alec and Lorraine from
Fairy Meadow Miniatures.
The Doll House was at the show to but I apologise - I dont seem to have a pic to show them :(
Clementine and Jan from
Enchanting Miniatures.

Debra and her assistant Rosie from
Dollhouse Gallery.

Julie and Dawn from
Mum and Me Miniatures.

Greg and Linda from
Strathalbyn House of Miniatures.

Jenny and Pauline from
Mini Mad Mates.

Burt from Ann's Miniature Accessories

As always, there is a lovely dinner to be had on the Saturday for members and traders to relax and chat (and eat of course!) together.
The menu displayed and the tables were set for dinner.

Judith and husband John.

There is always a "Dinner Prize" on the Friday night. Here we have the Chairperson - Ann - presenting this lovely room box to the winner - Lynn.

You may remember from a previous post - our club supports childrens charities - well here is little Zoe, her brother Cody, Mum - Wendy and Dad - Paul. Zoe was the recipient of the first Hart Walker that the club were able to put our money into last year. We were delighted that the family were able to visit the show - proves how valuable this sort of equipment is to a family - enables them all to be part of society much easier.

We even had a fairy fly in for the day.

Jocelyn, one of the younger visitors to the Festival was unperturbed by the excitement.

We always have an array of demonstrators throughout the course of the weekend, imparting their knowledge and way of doing things (hopefully easier than we already do them!)
Greg demonstrated his replica early Australian furniture

We had our scrollers - Theo

And our lathers - Arch



David demonstrating a simple way to tile a roof.

Ann looking intently on as David and Pam demonstrate.

Pam showed how to make a simple sewing basket.

Patricia displayed her method of revamping old furniture.

A clever member made these lovely doctors bags.

Pam made some personalised greeting cards.

A little food was collected!

Julie and her little teddy bears.

Christine and her beautiful handmade lace items.

Merlene and her cute little handbags.

Julie and her pipe cleaner teddy bears.

Rosalind busy quilting.

Merlene and her lovely little handbags.

Nyree with her felted creatures.

Some members and a visitor reflecting on the weekends adventure.

So here we are at the end of the end of the post (Thank goodness I hear you all say!) I hope you have enjoyed viewing the photos (sorry for the sometimes blurry ones - hope they dont show up too bad for you) and sorry if I have missed any out (I dont think I have, but you can email me with a message or a photo.)
There is just one thing left to say....and thats....start saving up for the next show....members, get your thinking caps on!
wow....I came to visit from Val's blog...hmmm....everything looks amazing...and it's probably something I shouldn't start as I can see that it would be addictive! Wonderful pics...enjoyed reading about the show!