Welcome to the website of the South Australian Miniature Enthusiasts Inc (S.A.M.E.)

S.A.M.E. helps promote miniatures through the club meetings, workshops and our annual festival. In doing so we not only help others learn about our hobby but we also raise money for children's charities through our annual festival.

Our club was founded in 1983 and meetings were originally held in one of the members homes. Over the years our membership has grown so much so that we now meet in a hall big enough to accommodate all our members and visitors, who we always welcome. We have now become a little 'web-wise' (as of 2010) and looking forward to being more available to the general public via this site.


The meetings include a brief introduction, followed by workshops, demonstrations, occasionally member's trade tables and of course a cuppa! Our meetings help members gain information about, and an understanding of, the hobby of miniatures and collectibles. We share the love of miniatures and also friendship as well.

Meet: 2nd Wednesday of the month (except January - no meeting)

Time: 7.30pm

Where: The Payneham Community Centre, cnr Arthur Street and Payneham Road (the old school building opposite the Marden Shopping Centre)


Each year we hold a weekend festival of miniatures and dollhouses, the first being held in 1986. The festival includes miniature displays, local and interstate traders, demonstrations of many different techniques for making miniature products (including miniature wood turning), raffles, lucky dips and food to delight the taste buds!!

Next festival: To be announced.

All welcome. Proceeds from the festival, benefit children's charities in South Australia.

Any member of S.A.M.E. is encouraged to access the members only web page, ask questions, give hints and share photos of your miniatures with the whole group. To become a web page member you will need to be a financial member of the club, and then you can forward your email to the address below. You will receive authorisation back to your email - then follow the prompts.



Keep your eyes on this spot for future workshops to be held in the group.

For further information you can ring
To be announced

What we did with our money from the 2009 Festival

Every year at out Annual General Meeting, with funds raised from our Festival, we make a donation to a children's charity or charities. This year we were pleased to present a donation to a representative of The Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation. This enabled the purchase of a "Hart Walker" (an orthotic device which allows children with moderate to severe physical disabilities, especially those with cerebral palsy, to stand and to experience hands free walking.) We felt as a group that this is a very worth while cause.
2011 - We were fortunate enough to have raised enough money to once again offer a donation to another childs mobility unit.

Festival 2012 - Medieval and Sheds

So here we are once again, another year down the track and the Festival for 2012 setup has begun.

Bev getting the Medieval section put together.
 Pam putting her bits and pieces together in her Terrace House.
 Christine and Michael deciding on things.
 Trevor and Brian taking a moment for thought.
 Ellen caught on the hop.
 Helen with an arm full of table cloth.
 Les with a grin - and some back board.
Ashleigh from the ABC interviewing Bev for the Saturday radio.  Thank you Ashleigh, many people heard the wonderful spiel and came for a gander at the show!
So, all is set up now ready for the big weekend!

I apologise in advance if I did not get the name of the displayer correct or in the picture.  You will also notice that there is only a first name on display in most instances - I think this is all that is necessary to show to the world!  

This section of photos are the "Sheds".  All are lovely and a delight to look at. Most of the Sheds are 1/12th scale except for the Outback Shed - 1/24th or close to and the Shed House also close to 1/24th.

Judy's Outback Shed. 
 Christine's Vegetable and Flower Shed
 Karen and Lesley's Dollhouse Making Shed.
 Naomi's Country Shed.
 A beautiful Sewing Shed.
Marie's Mans Shed!
 Rosalie's Potting Shed - this shed is about 20 years old.
 Noami's Shed House.
 Christine's Outdoor Garden/Shed
 Helen's Garage Sale Shed.
 Lynette's Mans Motor Repair Shed.
 Helen's Teenagers Shed.
 David and Valerie's Quilt Shed.
 David and Valerie's Garden attached to Shed.

 The next theme was 'Medieval'.  Most of these displays are 1/12th scale unless otherwise stated.

And so we begin with David and Valerie's St George and the Dragon - unfortunately the Dragon won this round :( and poor St George winged his way off to heaven.

Nicole's Church
 Noami's Jousting Area.

 Rosalie's Kitchen.

 Arienne's Bedroom.

 Judy's Garden of Delight.

 Marie's Castle. - Given that castles are rather large, this one could be 1/48th scale.

 Christine's Tudor House. - 1/48th Scale

Christine and Micheal's Tudor House - due to bad weather in Medieval Land, the house is taking a while to be constructed - besides the fact the owner keeps changing her mind (as is a woman's prerogative!)

 Lesly's Balcony and Courtyard. (No sign of Romeo!)

 Karen's Storeroom (with and angry looking store lady!)

Nicole's Castle - believe it or not this Castle is made from cardboard!  Proves you don't need to spend a lot of money on a nice project.

 Vikki's Tudor House - 1/48th scale.

Helen's Bedroom.

 Helen's Dining Room.

 Clementine's Court Yard.

Clementine's Dining Room.
 The next display is from a Year 6 group from the Burnside Primary School.  The children did a lovely little terraced home, wonderful outdoor living home and a bungalow with a second floor.  Once again most items here are either card or paper and pain and some clay.  Just imagination is all that is needed - and time of course!

The next set of displays are from the Christies Beach Miniature Group.  Their theme was Nursery Rhymes.

Mary, Mary quite contrary.

 The Owl and the Pussycat.
 Little Bo Peep.

 Baa Baa Black Sheep.

 Ding Dong Dell.

 Old Mother Hubbard.

 Hickory Dickory Dock.

 Little Polly Flinders.

 Humpty Dumpty.

We also had some items on display which we put into the category of 'Other'. 

Here is Sylvia's 1/48th Victorian House.
 Vikki's Noah's Ark - 1/48th scale.
Sylvia's 1/48th Tudor House - back.
 Sylvia's 1/48th Tudor House - front.

We had a row of Terraced Houses/shops put together by four members.

The first is Pam's - with Miniature Dollhouse Shop on the ground floor.  
The next is Judy's house.
Third is Pam's House with Painting Studio.
The fourth is Ariennes house with Scottish Shop below. 
The gorgeous little suitcase was made by Rosalie.  Rosalie travels a lot - but I guess by this case she doesn't take much with her!! hahaha  (1/12th scale)
 Jan and Cairns made this cute as 1/48th scale house.
The next group of houses are 1/144th scale (eg small!)  They were either kits or patterns made up by the various owners.
The next two 'houses' are owned by Maureen and Judy and are 1/48th scale.

The next few houses are 1/24th scale and owned by David.
 This shop has product in it good enough to eat!  Lynette's Chocolate Shop - outside. 1/12th scale.
Inside, at the back, there is a lady making the yummy looking delicacies!
 Clementines Tea Room. 1/12th scale
 Vikki's Painted Baby - 1/24th scale.
Marlene's wonderful 1/48th scale house from the left side.  The house and all the items were made either from scratch or kit.
From the right side.
A close up of the sitting room.
 A close up of the library.
Brian and Rena own this delightful cabinet home.  The doors close to look like a large terraced home.  This is what started them out on the path to collecting miniatures.  It is 1/12th scale.
The following Christmas items have been done in workshops throughout the year.
First off is the Bon Bons - all are 1/48th Scale.

Vikki's Bon Bons.
 Noami's Bon Bons.
Christine's Bon Bons.

Julie's Bon Bons.
 David and Valerie's Bon Bons.
 Naomi's Door Wreath. 1/12th Scale
We had three cute little wooden Christmas Tree Houses - all 1/48th scale.

The first belongs to Maureen.
The second is Christine's.
 The third is by Anonymouse!
Another of the workshops through the year was Christmas Baubles.  I do apologise for not getting all the names of the makers of the baubles
The ladies that do some tiny stitching put these cute little room box displays on show.
And so....it was time for opening...and the crowd was eager to get in!
Maureen and Shona were first on the desk to let the crowds through,
 Marlene selling raffle tickets.
We always have hourly raffles along with the big raffle and semi raffle at 4pm.  Here are a couple of the hourly prizes.  All hourly raffles went to happy homes.
Two of the children who received one of the room box prizes.
Some children with Gran - listening to their oohs and arhs was just delightful to hear.
Spotted on one of the visitors to the show was this cute little necklace.
 It even has "furniture and rooms" inside!
We also have many and varied demonstrations happening during the course of the weekend.

Julie was showing people how she makes these little bears.
And monkeys!
Christine gave a demonstration on making tiny lace.  Talk about patience!
Pam and Judy were doing small small stitching.
 Christine demonstrating how to make little 'cane' baskets.

Nyree showing us how to do felted animals.
Rosalind making bed mattresses.
 Julie taking a break from her little teddy bears.
As always we have a good variety of traders who come from far and wide.

Here is Dik and Lida from Holland.

Cathy and Cheryl on the S.A.M.E. stall. 
Bob and Bev from Any Miniature Needs in South Australia. 
Jackie and Dot from Thimbella in South Australia.
Alec and Lorraine from Fairy Meadows in New South Wales.
 Virginia from A Sheila's Shed in New South Wales.
 Julie and Dawn from Mum and Me in Victoria
Lynette Little from South Australia.
Joy from Joys Porcelain Dolls & Miniatures in Victoria.
 Karen and Pam of JWT from New South Wales.
Lyn from Lyns Small Treasures in Victoria.
Andrea from Victoria
 Gwen from Victoria.
 Gerome and Rosalie from On-line Miniatures in South Australia.
 Pauline and Jenny from Mini Mad Mates in South Australia.
 Cherie from Pewter in Miniature in Victoria.
 The Doll House in Victoria.
 Marie from Marrogate Miniatures Arts and Crafts in South Australia.
  Clementine and Jan from Enchanting Miniatures in South Australia.
Towards the end of Sunday afternoon, we had a 1/12th house that had been donated to the club - so we decided to auction it off.  Here is Bev doing her thing!
4pm came so it was time to draw the big raffle - Ellen and Les pulled out the winning ticket.  The house went to a happy winner!
The secondary raffle was done directly after the main raffle - once again another happy recipient, who gave the house away to two very happy little girls,  as shows in the last photo.

So folks, that's it again for another year.  Hope you have enjoyed the show.

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a wonderful Weekend, thanks go to all who helped out and also to those who displayed their creations.
